How to Ditch Those Early Morning Baby Wakings

How to Ditch Those Early Morning Baby Wakings

Once upon a time, a long long time ago, before kids and when your stamina was at it’s peak, an early morning wake up was, dare I say…romantic.  Getting up with your partner to watch the sun rise together, going for an early morning jog in the fresh morning air,...
Baby Nap Length & Number of Naps by Age

Baby Nap Length & Number of Naps by Age

Before you have a baby, naps (and how long they should be) can seem pretty basic. It’s daytime. My baby seems tired. I will put them in the crib and they will fall asleep. Right?….Right?!?!? Ummm…no.  Once you become a new mom, naps are suddenly more complicated...
5 Tips for Daylight Savings Spring Forward & Your Baby’s Sleep

5 Tips for Daylight Savings Spring Forward & Your Baby’s Sleep

I’m just going to say it. Whoever came up with the idea of Daylight Savings Time most certainly did NOT have babies and certainly wasn’t worried about their sleep schedule. (Update: the internet tells me it was Benjamin Franklin and he did have children, however...
3 Reasons Why You Need a Sleep Consultant

3 Reasons Why You Need a Sleep Consultant

When the plane is going down, whose oxygen mask are you supposed to put on first? Do firefighters run into burning buildings without protective gear and oxygen tanks? Do you start a marathon without fueling up on sleep and carbs first? With most things in life,...