Postpartum Body Image and The “Bounce Back” Culture

Postpartum Body Image and The “Bounce Back” Culture

The postpartum body image issue is one that I am passionate about and is still an ongoing issue for new moms. We are surrounded by constant pressure from society to “bounce back” after having a baby. The bookshelves are full of new diet fads, everywhere you look in...
Sleep Regression at 8 Months Old: What it means for YOUR baby!

Sleep Regression at 8 Months Old: What it means for YOUR baby!

Any sleep regression is plain old not fun. It’s akin to having a root canal. Only longer.  But it seems somehow worse when it creeps up on you and surprises you. That’s what can happen with the sleep regression at 8 month old, as it’s not one of the “top”...
Transitioning From Co-Sleeping to a Toddler Bed

Transitioning From Co-Sleeping to a Toddler Bed

We know that many parents choose to co-sleep. We also know that there most often comes a time when parents and little ones are ready for their own sleep space. This can be a tricky transition, no matter your little one’s age, but it can be especially tricky if your...
4 Month Old Sleep Schedule, Wake Windows + How Many Naps

4 Month Old Sleep Schedule, Wake Windows + How Many Naps

It can be super tricky to pin down a 4 month old sleep schedule. It’s a busy time in your little one’s life where they are exiting the newborn stage, most likely hitting the 4 month sleep regression, and going through a clunky nap phase.    That being said, it IS...