Newborn Essentials Sleep Class

The Newborn Essentials Sleep Class is available as part of the 0-4 Months Content Library!

(15 customer reviews)


There’s nothing sweeter in the world than a newborn. Their tiny little features, their grunts and snorts, and those little stretches when you unwrap the swaddle… they’re so precious.

There’s nothing that makes you second guess yourself more than having a newborn either. All you want is to be good enough for your baby. You want to meet their needs, provide for them, and to be the best mom (or dad) you can be.

Having a newborn doesn’t have to be overwhelming. You should be able to relish in all of the sweet, magical moments with your newborn without being bogged down by sleep deprivation, anxiety, fears of inadequacy, and the mystery of a fussy baby who is upset and you can’t figure out why or what to do.

Take a deep breath. You’re in the right place.

You can learn how to get great sleep. You can learn how to recognize your baby’s cues and know exactly what they need. You can rest easy with confidence and peace of mind knowing that your baby is happy, content and well-rested. And you can be well-rested too.

No more groggy, overwhelmed, anxious days and nights. You deserve to feel the true magic of motherhood.

In simple, easily accessible videos you will learn what your little one needs at every age to be happy and sleep well. You’ll feel confident and empowered to get longer stretches at night between feedings, tackle issues like fussiness, gas, reflux, colic, tongue ties, sleep regressions, postpartum mental health and so much more.

In this newborn sleep course you will learn:

  • How to get better sleep from the moment your baby is born
  • Surviving the first week home from the hospital
  • Orienting day and night
  • The two secret weapons of great newborn sleep
  • Tricks to calm your fussy, inconsolable baby
  • Identifying and treating gas and reflux
  • Dealing with dawn fussiness
  • Getting good long daytime naps
  • Wrapping the perfect swaddle
  • Sleep and feeding schedules
  • How to protect your postpartum mental health
  • Safe sleep practices
  • Assimilating your newborn into the family when you’ve got older kids
  • Handling the 6-week sleep regression and 3-month nap regression
Baby Sleep Training Guide | The Peaceful Sleeper
Baby Sleep Training Guide | The Peaceful Sleeper

In this newborn sleep course you will learn:

  • How to get better sleep from the moment your baby is born
  • Surviving the first week home from the hospital
  • Orienting day and night
  • The two secret weapons of great newborn sleep
  • Tricks to calm your fussy, inconsolable baby
  • Identifying and treating gas and reflux
  • Dealing with dawn fussiness
  • Getting good long daytime naps
  • Wrapping the perfect swaddle
  • Sleep and feeding schedules
  • How to protect your postpartum mental health
  • Safe sleep practices
  • Assimilating your newborn into the family when you’ve got older kids
  • Handling the 6-week sleep regression and 3-month nap regression
Baby Sleeping in a Wooden Bowl with a blanket | Baby Sleep Training Expert Sleep Consultant | The Peaceful Sleeper

You will learn specific sleep training techniques for your baby at each of these ages:

  • 1st week
  • 2nd week
  • Week 3 & 4
  • 1-2 months
  • 2-3 months
  • 3-4 months

This newborn sleep class addresses everything you need to know to get optimal sleep with your newborn! You’ll gain access to this life-changing class for forever. You’ll have plenty of time to research and prepare before baby is born. Then, you can rewatch as needed as your baby reaches each new phase. You’ll have sleeps to help your baby be a better sleeper through every stage and hiccup.

Baby Sleeping in a Wooden Bowl with a blanket | Baby Sleep Training Expert Sleep Consultant | The Peaceful Sleeper

You will learn specific sleep training techniques for your baby at each of these ages:

  • 1st week
  • 2nd week
  • Week 3 & 4
  • 1-2 months
  • 2-3 months
  • 3-4 months

This newborn sleep class addresses everything you need to know to get optimal sleep with your newborn! You’ll gain access to this life-changing class for 6 months. Therefore, you’ll have plenty of time to research and prepare before baby is born. Then, you can rewatch as needed as your baby reaches each new phase. You’ll have sleeps to help your baby be a better sleeper through every stage and hiccup.

15 reviews for Newborn Essentials Sleep Class

  1. Shelby (Verified Customer)

    SO helpful! Before I had my baby I assumed I would just know what to do somehow and it turns out I really needed some help! This course was just what I needed for some direction. I much more confident in taking care of my sweet girl so I can enjoy our time so much more which is the ultimate goal!

  2. Jessica Luth (Verified Customer)

    The information in this class is extremely helpful!! The information about reflux and gas led us to talk to our pediatrician and take the steps we needed to begin getting her reflux under control, in return sleeping much better at night with decreased fussiness. Learning to recognize sleepy cues and keep track of awake windows made a HUGE difference in avoiding the over tired/over stimulated stage making for a happier baby and putting her to sleep so much easier! I would highly recommend taking this course!

  3. Bethany

    Super helpful! I wish I had a resource like this for my first daughter! Some easy tips/tricks to follow for better sleep but she also does a great job at reminding you that as a mom you know best. Highly recommend!

  4. Chelsea

    I loved this newborn class! I used it for my second and honestly it was a gamer changer. I tried other things with my first that were too complicated and I could never fit all the pieces together. This is straightforward, easy to follow, and so helpful!

  5. Idaly Gonzalez

    She is the best she’s been so helpful, seen someone going through the same as you and also giving you tips that actually work for our babys its the best

  6. Benjamin Lively

    This course was amazing! Helped my wife and I so much with both our kids, we got hours of extra sleep. The information is presented in such a way that is easy to digest and apply to real life situations. She also gives insight on what to expect in the coming months to help decrease anxiety around parenting.

  7. Emily Tillett (Verified Customer)

    This was a life changer. I needed a serious refresher with baby number two and felt like this presented information in an easy and non-judgements like way. I’m now able to read my baby’s sleepy cues, manage when she’s tired and understand the importance of wake windows. I feel way more confident this time around and feel less shame for helping my little one to sleep if she ever needs it. Thank you so much for this course!

  8. Thomas Destefano Jr

    I love this class! There are so many great tips that made a huge difference in calming my daughter and helping her sleep better. I wish I had found it sooner!

  9. Alisa Zanussi (Verified Customer)

    I bought this when our little one was going through 3m crap naps because I was losing it! Was hoping for some magic answers but a lot of the info is already shared on the instagram page and blog which already was extremely helpful. My biggest takeaway was to not lose my mind if she wouldn’t nap more than 30 min and to just roll onto the next nap. It gets better ! Regardless I was happy with the purchase considering so much great info is shared for free and I can go back to the videos for reassurance when it gets tough!

  10. Summer Kouzbari (Verified Customer)

    Even though I won this course (thank you The Peaceful Sleeper!), I wish I had purchased it before my baby was born! I thought I would be fine figuring it out as I go but this would have helped SOO much in those first few weeks and months. Helps reinforce what you think you know and teaches you so many new things (that work!)!

  11. Julie Faith (Verified Customer)

    I started this class when my second baby was 4 weeks old. He was already a pretty good sleeper, but why not make him a great sleeper? And that’s what this course did! He’s almost 7 weeks old now and after using what I learned in his course, he went from sleeping 3.5 hours during the first stretch of night to sleeping 6-6.5 hours for the first stretch and 3.5 for the second part. I also use these tips for all of his naps, which is so helpful because naps can vary between 45 minutes and 2 hours! The course reassures me when I am stressed or worried and it also reinforces the decisions we are making for our son’s sleep. All newborn parents need encouragement, which is what this course provides for every stage of newborn sleep!

  12. Amanda Cremone-Caira (Verified Customer)

    Great course! The videos were short and easy for a sleep deprived mama to search through. Chrissy provides clear summaries of empirical evidence for navigating newborn sleep problems. Worthwhile for the price!

  13. Anya Cooper (Verified Customer)

    I am a second time mama with a 3.5 year old and a newborn. We sleep trained my older daughter at 4 months but the second time around, other than forgetting everything I knew, I also wanted to see if there is anything I can do early on to help set to my newborn for success and hopefully end up with much easier time sleep training her later on.
    I bought this class when my newborn was 2 months and I wish I bought it sooner. I learned some things I didn’t know, remembered thing I knew and started implementing the advice Chrissy gave me. It is starting to pay off!! And I’m super happy to see my now 3month old taking longer naps and exhibiting signs of self soothing. I feel confident we will ace sleep training at 4 months. I feel so prepared!

  14. Eden and Grant Hayes (Verified Customer)

    This course has been so helpful for us first time parents. Our five week old is gassy/fussy and these steps help us at least prevent over tiredness! I know this course will help us lay the foundation for successful sleep training in the months to come.

  15. Kaley Alger (Verified Customer)

    I have used another popular infant sleep course and this one trumps it. It is more my style and makes me feel good about how I am choosing to help my infant sleep. I have done the newborn course and with my second child did the 4 month course which I will do with my newborn when the time comes. I am so happy with the results we are actually sleeping and there is zero guilt!

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