How to Calm a Fussy Newborn

How to Calm a Fussy Newborn

Alongside a trillion other questions and concerns that come with bringing home a new baby (*especially for a first-time mama!) is this super common one…how do I help soothe and calm my newborn?    Wondering how to calm a fussy newborn is extremely tough when you...
Can Newborns Sleep With a Pacifier?

Can Newborns Sleep With a Pacifier?

Pacifiers are an incredible soothing tool for your tiny new baby. With so much information out there (and unsolicited advice from friends and family), it can be tough figuring out if and how you want to use a pacifier. On top of that, is it even safe for your baby to...
What is a Dream Feed?

What is a Dream Feed?

If you have been around here for a while, I’m sure you’ve heard me use the terms “dream feed” or “dream feeds”. While dream feeds are a super common topic of discussion in the baby sleep world, finding information on how and if they really work can be tricky.  ...
False Starts at Bedtime: How to prevent them from happening!

False Starts at Bedtime: How to prevent them from happening!

There are lots of pieces around baby sleep that are difficult and exhausting, but I’m here to say that one of the top WORST trials of baby sleep is false starts at bedtime.    I mean seriously. Is there anything worse than finally getting your baby to sleep, only...