Baby Won’t Burp? Here’s What You Can Do!

Whatever stage you are in your motherhood journey, I’m sure you understand the idea of burping your baby after a feeding…but what do you do if your baby won’t burp? It can be scary, overwhelming, and even frustrating when something that you think should be so simple isn’t working.


The good news is that there are plenty of different positions and tips to troubleshoot for the next time you are burping your little one. In this blog post, I’m going to answer the following questions: 


Why does my baby have to burp?


Why isn’t my baby burping after I feed them?


What can I do to help my baby get good burps?


Let’s get right into it!



Why does my baby have to burp?


Here’s the thing, some babies burp more than others. That just falls under the fact that is: all babies are different. Still, when we feed our little babies, they tend to swallow some air (some more than others) in the process. 


This leads to trapped air in their tummy, which is one of the biggest culprits of fussy babies and difficulty sleeping! I have another blog post dedicated to different types of tummy troubles and more ways to help a gassy baby! Click here to check it out.


7 Gassy Baby Hacks | The Peaceful Sleeper

Click here to watch 7 Gas Hacks (that I wish I had known sooner!) on Instagram 



Why isn’t my baby burping after I feed them?


If your baby won’t burp after a few minutes of trying, the position they are in just might not be doing it for them! Go ahead and switch their position (different positions in the next section!) and try burping again for a few minutes before feeding again. 


Once you’ve finished feeding again, burp them. Always be sure to give your baby the chance to burp after their feed is over. If all of this still doesn’t do the trick, give it a rest as long as they are content and don’t seem in any pain or discomfort. 


If you haven’t already, download my FREE newborn sleep guide. It’ll give you a good rundown on establishing good sleep for your newborn that you can print and keep with you! Download for free here 💤


Something else you can do is talk to a sleep expert. Having a sleep consultant in your corner to talk through the nuances of your baby’s individual sleep situation is seriously a game changer. Your sleep situation is unique…your support should be too!


Mom Holding Baby Over the Shoulder | The Peaceful Sleeper



What can I do to help my baby get good burps?


One of the easiest ways to get better burps from your little one after a feeding is to switch things up and experiment with different positions. I have several, dare I say, “magical” burping positions that are all worth a shot.


1. Over The Shoulder (With a Twist!)

Sometimes the good ol’ fashioned burping technique just doesn’t cut it. Of course, we ALWAYS want to be gentle with our newborns, but don’t be afraid to give them good, solid pats. 


Next time you are burping your baby over your shoulder, hike them up a little higher on the shoulder, bend their legs up and under, and follow it up with those good, solid thumps on their back. Hiking them up higher on the shoulder and bending their legs helps put some light pressure on their bellies, which in turn helps push gas out (in both directions!).


You can also add in a little upward massage by bringing your hand from the bottom and all the way up their back repeatedly. This also helps get that trapped air moving and out.


Newborn Burping Hack for When Baby Won't Burp | The Peaceful Sleeper

Click here to watch a demonstration of this burping position on Instagram!



2. Sitting Up Straight On Your Lap

Little, tiny newborns tend to be a little scrunched up and hunched over. That’s what makes this burping hack so great for getting out those tricky gas bubbles!


Here’s what you have to do:

  • Set your baby down on your lap
  • Cup right under their chin (to support their neck!)
  • With your other hand, gently push up on the base of their spine to get them nice and straightened out
  • Voila! You’ve got it!


By helping your baby sit up and straighten out their back, it is SO much easier for gas to escape. 


Burping Hack for When Baby Won't Burp | The Peaceful Sleeper

Click here to watch a demonstration of this burping position on Instagram!



3. The Ninja Burping Position

Now this one might be my all-time favorite. This position got its name because it works super quickly and surprises you with crazy good results…like a stealthy ninja!


Sit down with your legs bent in front of you and have your baby lying on their belly facing away from you, with their legs tucked underneath them. Rock your legs back and forth and pat your baby’s back like you’re burning them.


The extra swaying of your legs rocks your baby with very little extra effort from you. Plus, their forward-facing position puts extra pressure on their little belly while getting their bum nice and open. This way, gas can escape from both directions!


The real bonus? It’s pretty low energy, so you can just be hanging out with them or even watching a show and getting all that gas out without becoming exhausted and overwhelmed. 


*Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better…I love this position SO much because it’s also so great for these additional reasons: 

  • Gently builds their leg strength
  • Acts as an alternative to tummy time (This is GREAT for babies who don’t love the traditional, on-the-floor tummy time as well as babies with reflux!)
  • It’s a fantastic position for baby massages
  • And it’s great contact time with Mama, but you can be hands-free at the same time!


The Ninja Burping Position | The Peaceful Sleeper

Click here to watch a demonstration of this burping position on Instagram!


If you haven’t already, download my FREE newborn sleep guide. It’ll give you a good rundown on establishing good sleep for your newborn that you can print and keep with you! Download for free here 💤



Recap On What To Do When Your Baby Won’t Burp


If your baby won’t burp after a feed, don’t panic! The first thing you should do is try out a different burping position! Sometimes it just takes more movement or a different angle to get that trapped gas out. And remember, some babies don’t need to burp as much as others. If your baby seems comfortable, gets good sleep, and doesn’t seem to be in any pain, you don’t need to stress yourself out over whether or not they meet a certain ‘burping quota’. 


Mom Holding Baby | The Peaceful Sleeper


If for any reason you feel something is just not right with your baby’s burping situation, trust your mom gut and talk to your pediatrician! Releasing trapped gas makes babies SO much more comfortable and content and helps them get the sleep they need…we want them to feel good, which makes their mama feel good!


If trapped gas isn’t the only thing keeping you and your baby from getting a good night’s sleep, we’ve got you! Whether your little one is a newborn (0-4 Months Content Library), 4-24 months (4-24 Months Content Library), or a toddler (2-5 Years Content Library), we have the resources you need to get your family the sleep you all deserve!

Christine Lawler

Christine Lawler

MS, LMFT, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant

Hi! I’m so glad you’re here! I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, practicing for over 13 years. I’ve set out to do ALL of the research and I created a method to optimize baby sleep that is tuned in, empowering and WORKS. There absolutely should be joy in motherhood, and I have learned that every baby CAN get better sleep!

Read more about my team here.

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