As new parents, we’re always on high alert. And as new parents??? It’s on a whole new level…especially when it comes to our new babies and their sleep! A super common experience is hearing your newborn grunting in their sleep. You might hurry and ask yourself, is this them waking up? Do they need me right now?
The good news is, we’re going to cover it all in this post! In this blog post, I’m going to go over:
Why is my newborn always grunting in their sleep?
What do I do when my newborn starts grunting/squirming in their sleep?
How do I know when to intervene or give them more time to resettle?
All the grunting keeps waking them! What’s the deal?
Let’s jump right in!
Why is my newborn baby always grunting in their sleep?
This has a pretty simple answer…newborns can be very active sleepers! Part of this is because, during that newborn stage, your baby’s body is still getting used to its new environment. I’m talking about brain development, digestion, etc. You’re baby’s brain and body are working super hard, even in their sleep.
On top of that, newborn sleep can just be a little clunky in general…remember, they are naturally super duper squirmy! You’re still getting to know your baby. Over time, you’ll learn what their sleep looks like and what you can do to optimize it. Their sleep cycles, including rem sleep, are a bit all over the place, and that’s normal.
Active sleep might look like squirming around in their sleep space or even having their eyes somewhat open. It might sound like light squirming, and they may even let out a small cry. A newborn grunting is entirely expected and normal in most instances! Of course, stay aware of their breathing patterns to notice anything irregular.
Click here to watch a video on Instagram of an example of what active sleep might look like!
If you have any specific questions about the way your baby sleeps, talk to a sleep expert! We can watch your little one sleep through the monitor with you and talk about the nuances of their sleep. Having an expert in your corner to troubleshoot with makes all the difference, especially during the newborn stage!
What do I do when my newborn starts grunting/squirming in their sleep?
The fact is, newborn babies are going to squirm and resettle and readjust in their sleep. We want to give them some time and space to do that.
A lot of times with our brand-new newborns, we hear them grunting and squirming and we assume, “AHHH they’re going to wake up to eat…let me hurry and quick feed them so they’ll go back down more easily!!” …That’s not always the right move.
Sometimes, we want to give them two to five minutes to squirm, resettle, grunt, toot, and even start fussing for a minute to see if they are actually hungry, or maybe they just need a minute to resettle during the light sleep stage. Some babies are noisy sleepers, and that’s okay!
This is actually one of the BEST tactics that you can do to start getting longer night stretches sooner with your newborn. Don’t be so quick to jump the gun and rush to get your baby awake and feed them when they don’t actually need to eat right then…they just need a minute to get back to their good sleep after a good grunt or two!
Of course, we want to feed our newborns on demand, or about every 2-4 hours at night. However, if it hasn’t been that long since their last feed, try waiting that extra two to five minutes to ensure they are truly awake.
Click here to watch more about extending newborn nighttime sleep on Instagram.
How do I know when to intervene or give my baby more time to resettle?
As I mentioned, wait it out for a few minutes. More often than not, your newborn’s new, tiny body is just adjusting and resettling in their sleep. Intervene and help them get back to sleep if:
1. It’s actually time to eat
Remember, newborns are still eating about every 2-4 hours, especially during those first few weeks. If your baby is grunting, squirming, and waking up because it’s time to feed them, then that’s what they need!
2. It’s been longer than five minutes and they’re definitely awake
If they haven’t been able to resettle and are maybe even starting to fuss and/or cry, go ahead and intervene! Newborn sleep is clunky, and you aren’t spoiling them by helping soothe them back to sleep.
All the grunting keeps waking them! What’s the deal?
A little grunting and squirming is completely normal, many babies have light sleep and are still learning how to get into deep sleep…but if you notice that it’s waking them up a lot during the night, they could be dealing with some trapped gas! When babies eat or suck on a pacifier, they can swallow some air at the same time. Tummy troubles are a huge culprit to difficulty sleeping…mix that with a brand new, immature digestive system and it makes sense why our little babies would be prone to gas.
Head to my article with information on how to help a gassy baby get rid of all that trapped air so they can sleep more comfortably!
Related Reading: Newborn Not Sleeping During the Day – Here’s What to Do
As always, if your baby appears to be grunting or squirming excessively because of pain, please speak to your pediatrician or a specialist. It is the absolute best WORST to see our little ones in pain, and the sooner you can get to the root of the problem, the sooner everyone will start getting a good night’s sleep. If you think there may be any type of respiratory distress or breathing problems with the grunting, speak to your pediatrician.
Newborns Grunting in Their Sleep Recap & Next Steps
Long story short, you do not need to be worried about a little bit of grunting and/or squirming from a very active newborn sleeper. Most of the time, they just need a minute to resettle and readjust in their sleep space!
And we are here to help you, no matter what your baby’s sleep situation is. I have a team of AMAZING certified pediatric sleep consultants all around the country who can be in your corner supporting you through your unique sleep situation. Click here to grab a consultation with one of them!
Whether your little one is a newborn (0-4 Months Content Library), 4-24 months (4-24 Months Content Library), or a toddler (2-5 Years Content Library), we have the resources you need to get your family the sleep you all deserve!