Poop Intruder Ruining Naptime? Here’s How to Fix It!

Oh, the poop intruder! It’s the evil twin of the nap intruder. 


(In case you are unfamiliar, a poop intruder is when a poop causes your baby to wake early in the day or from a nap. It’s sneaky, it’s relentless, and it has zero respect for your well-laid sleep plans.)


There’s nothing quite like the sweet relief of getting your baby down for a nap—only to have them wake up way too early because of a well-timed (or rather, poorly timed) poop. It’s frustrating, exhausting, and honestly, a little comical.


The “poop intruder” strikes again! But don’t worry—there are a few things you can do to prevent these unwanted wake-ups and help your little one sleep peacefully.


Why Does Poop Interrupt Sleep?


Gas Hacks to Keep Your Baby Comfortable


What if Poop Still Wakes Them Up?


Still Struggling With Naps?


Let’s get right to it!



Mom giving baby massage | The Peaceful Sleeper



Why Does Poop Interrupt Sleep?


Babies have tiny digestive systems that are still learning the ropes. Their bodies don’t always operate on a predictable schedule, and digestion can ramp up right as they’re trying to fall asleep. Come common reasons poop might interrupt sleep include:

  • Incomplete digestion – If your baby’s last meal didn’t fully make its way through their system, it might finish the process during their nap.
  • Physical movement during sleep – Babies naturally squirm as they transition through sleep cycles, which can stimulate their bowels.
  • Gas or discomfort – If they’re struggling with constipation or trapped gas, they may wake up fussing and straining.


If you haven’t already, download my FREE Ultimate Naps Guide. It’ll give you all the knowledge you need to help your baby (or toddler) take great naps! Download for free here 💤


If it becomes a frequent thing, there are a few things you can do to try and move that poop to a more welcome time of day ( or at least as welcome as poop can be). Here are three simple but effective tips!


1. Give Their Belly a Gentle Massage

A little tummy rub can go a long way in keeping things moving before naptime rather than during. Use lotion and rub their belly in a clockwise motion, which follows the natural direction of digestion. This gentle massage can help get things going and encourage a poop before your baby drifts off to dreamland.


*Bonus tip: Use a baby-safe lotion or oil to make it more soothing and turn it into a mini relaxation session before their nap! Think of it as a spa treatment — but with slightly smellier results.



2. Try Bicycle Kicks and Windshield Wiper Movements

If your little one tends to struggle with gas or constipation, some simple movement exercises can work wonders. Lay your baby on their back and try:


  • Bicycle kicks – Gently moving their legs as if they’re pedaling a bike can help relieve trapped gas and encourage a bowel movement.
  • Windshield wiper movements – Hold both legs together and gently move them side to side in a wiper-like motion to help stimulate their digestive system.


Doing these movements before naptime can help clear out their system so they’re not waking up mid-nap with a surprise diaper situation!



3. Use a Warm Bath to Get Things Moving


If you suspect your baby might be due for a poop but hasn’t gone yet, a warm bath can be just the trick. The warm water helps relax their abdominal muscles, making it easier for them to have a bowel movement.


Just ask any parent whose baby has pooped IN the tub! Not the goal, but just a fair warning. Baths are very relaxing and can help things get moving before naptime.



Poop Intruder on Instagram | The Peaceful Sleeper

Click here to learn more about the “poop intruder” on Instagram.



Gas Hacks to Keep Your Baby Comfortable


Babies have super immature digestive systems, so it’s totally normal for them to be prone to gas. If gas is part of the issue, here are 7 tips and tricks to help get out tricky gas, so everyone can sleep better!


  • Breastfeeding position: Keep baby’s head higher than their tummy to help reduce swallowed air.
  • Use the correct battle and nipple: A bottle designed for gas and reflux can make a huge difference.
  • Try different burping positions: Some babies respond better to certain burping techniques—experiment to find what works best!
  • Try bicycle kicks for toots: Just like with poop, this can help trapped gas escape.
  • Check for tongue and lip tie: If your baby isn’t latching properly, they may be swallowing extra air.
  • Reevaluate your diet: If you’re breastfeeding, certain foods in your diet might contribute to baby’s gas.
  • Rule our reflux: if gas and discomfort are constant, reflux could be a factor.


For more in-depth gas relief tips, check out this blog post all about baby gas hacks!



7 Gas Hacks Every Mama Should Know on Instagram | The Peaceful Sleeper

Click here to watch “7 Gas Hacks Every Mamas Should Know” on Instagram.



What if Poop Still Wakes Them Up?


Even with the best preparation, sometimes a poop surprise is unavoidable. Here’s what you can do if it happens:


  1. Do a quick but calm diaper change – Keep the lights low, your voice soft, and movement minimal.
  2. Try shifting nap times slightly – If your baby consistently poops at the same time every day, adjusting nap time by 10-15 minutes might help avoid the clash.


If you haven’t already, download my FREE Ultimate Naps Guide. It’ll give you all the knowledge you need to help your baby (or toddler) take great naps! Download for free here 💤



Still Struggling With Naps?


If you’re having trouble with naps and don’t think poop is the culprit, we have a free naps guide that can help! Whether it’s short naps, early wake-ups, or just an unpredictable schedule, this guide walks you through the steps to better, more restful naps. Grab it here to get your baby’s naps back on track!



Baby Diaper Change | The Peaceful Sleeper



Recap on the Poop Intruder


Dealing with the “poop intruder” is one of those funny but frustrating parts of baby sleep. While you can’t always prevent it, these tips can help minimize its impact and keep naptime as restful as possible. Try adding belly massages, movement exercises, and warm baths to your pre-nap routine to set your little one up for success.


And if you’re still struggling with nap disruptions (whether from poop or anything else!), a sleep consultant can help you get on track with a plan tailored to your baby’s needs. Sweet dreams—and hopefully, poop-free naps!

Christine Lawler

Christine Lawler

MS, LMFT, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant

Hi! I’m so glad you’re here! I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, practicing for over 13 years. I’ve set out to do ALL of the research and I created a method to optimize baby sleep that is tuned in, empowering and WORKS. There absolutely should be joy in motherhood, and I have learned that every baby CAN get better sleep!

Read more about my team here.

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