Busting Baby Sleep Myths: For Parents Who Just Want to Do What’s “Right”

Navigating the world of parenting and baby sleep can be overwhelming, especially with the myriad of baby sleep myths and advice circulating around. As parents, you just want to do what’s best for YOUR baby, but sometimes it’s hard to discern fact from fiction.


Here at The Peaceful Sleeper, we’re committed to helping you find the best path for you and your baby. Let’s bust some common baby sleep myths and uncover the truths together!


Myth 1: “Breast is Best”


Myth 2: “Sleep Training Means Letting Your Baby ‘Cry it Out’”


Myth 3: “If You Want to Form a Strong Bond With Your Baby, Then Bedshare/Co-Sleep”


Myth 4: “Get All The Sleep You Can Now Because Once Baby Comes You Will Never Sleep Again”


Myth 5: “Don’t Worry, It’s Hard Now, But Eventually Your Child Will Learn to Sleep on Their Own”



Baby Sleeping | The Peaceful Sleeper



Myth 1: “Breast is Best”


There is no doubt about it, breast milk has amazing benefits. However, that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily the best option for you and your baby.


The Truth:

There are so many different feeding options (breastfeeding, bottle, formula, combo, etc.) and different things to consider (your mental health, your goals, addressing any lactation-related challenges, etc.).


If you haven’t already, download my FREE Ultimate Naps Guide. It’ll give you all the knowledge you need to help your baby (or toddler) take great naps! Download for free here 💤


As a sleep expert and therapist, my recommendation for how to best feed your baby is this: Do whatever works best for you and your baby. That’s right. There is no one-size-fits-all “best” way to feed your baby. Whether you choose to breastfeed, formula feed, or use a combination of both, the most important thing is that your baby is well-fed and you are comfortable and happy with your feeding choices. 



The Best Way to Feed Your Baby on Instagram | The Peaceful Sleeper

Click here to watch “The Best Way to Feed Your Baby” on Instagram. 



Myth 2: “Sleep Training Means Letting Your Baby ‘Cry it Out’”


The idea that sleep training/sleep learning equates to letting your baby ‘cry it out’ is a common misconception. Many parents fear that teaching their baby to sleep independently will lead to hours of crying and distress. 


The Truth:

The Peaceful Sleeper method means there is no one-size-fits-all approach to teaching your baby independent sleep skills. We understand that every baby is different, and so are their sleep needs. Our approaches can each be personalized to fit your baby’s temperament and your parenting style.


Take the Pick Your Approach Quiz at the bottom of this page to find out which is the best approach to sleep learning for YOU and YOUR baby.



Myth 3: “If You Want to Form a Strong Bond With Your Baby, Then Bedshare/Co-Sleep”


It’s often said that bedsharing or co-sleeping is necessary to form a strong bond with your baby. While close physical contact can indeed promote bonding, it’s not the only way to build a strong attachment. 


If you haven’t already, download my FREE newborn sleep guide. It’ll give you a good rundown on establishing good sleep for your newborn that you can print and keep with you! Download for free here 💤


The Truth:

Is there research out there that supports this? Yes. Is bed-sharing/co-sleeping the only way to ensure a strong bond/attachment with your baby? Absolutely not.


Bonding with your baby can happen in many ways, whether through feeding, cuddling, playing, or simply spending quality time together. It’s important to find a sleeping arrangement that ensures your little one’s safety, and that world for your family.



Mom Holding Newborn Baby | The Peaceful Sleeper



Myth 4: “Get All The Sleep You Can Now Because Once Baby Comes You Will Never Sleep Again”


New parents often hear this daunting advice, leading them to believe that sleep deprivation is an inevitable part of parenthood.


The Truth:

It’s expected that your sleep quality is going to take a hit. However, there are so many tools, strategies, and approaches you can try to get great baby sleep, and definitely don’t have to suck it up and be sleep-deprived.


With the right approach, you can improve both your baby’s sleep and your own. From establishing a solid bedtime routine to creating a sleep-conducive environment, there are many ways to ensure better sleep for the whole family. 


Whether your little one is a newborn (0-4 Months Content Library), 4-24 months (4-24 Months Content Library), or a toddler (2-5 Years Content Library), we have the resources you need to get your family the sleep you all deserve!



Sleeping Newborn | The Peaceful Sleeper



Myth 5: “Don’t Worry, It’s Hard Now, But Eventually Your Child Will Learn to Sleep on Their Own”


Waiting for your baby to learn to sleep on their own naturally can lead to prolonged sleep deprivation for both parents and baby.


The Truth: 

You’re allowed to want your baby to sleep better. And we have more realistic strategies to help with this than simply telling you that “motherhood is hard.”


If you haven’t already, download my FREE Ultimate Naps Guide. It’ll give you all the knowledge you need to help your baby (or toddler) take great naps! Download for free here 💤


There are proven methods to gently and effectively teach your baby to sleep independently, ensuring that everyone gets the rest they need. Don’t wait for sleep to magically improve on its own! You can take proactive steps to help your baby develop healthy sleep habits now!


If you’re feeling stuck, book a consultation with one of our incredible Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultants!



Mom Holding Sleeping Baby | The Peaceful Sleeper



Recap of Busting Baby Sleep Myths


These black-and-white statements are not only untrue, but they are also harmful. They make parents feel bad for doing something or not doing something. And then parents are shamed into doing what’s “right” even if they are not actually comfortable with it and/or it’s not the right fit for their family.


You deserve to feel supported in the parenting choices that you decide are best for your little one(s) and your family. And whatever those choices are, you don’t have to make them work alone. We can help! We are all about nonjudgemental support here.


Parenting is full of challenges and uncertainties, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. By busting these common baby sleep myths, we hope to provide you with the information and support you need to make the best decisions for your family. Remember, there is no “right” way to raise your baby – only the way that works best for you and your little one.

Christine Lawler

Christine Lawler

MS, LMFT, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant

Hi! I’m so glad you’re here! I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, practicing for over 13 years. I’ve set out to do ALL of the research and I created a method to optimize baby sleep that is tuned in, empowering and WORKS. There absolutely should be joy in motherhood, and I have learned that every baby CAN get better sleep!

Read more about my team here.

Ready to Get Your Baby Sleeping?

Learn how to help your little one fall asleep independently, sleep through the night & nap consistently to regain your nights & be the best, happiest version of you.

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