Mamas Supporting Mamas: The Million Dollar Dream

What’s the top two things that you, and every other Mama needs? 


(Besides coffee and wine, of course.)


Genuine acknowledge and sleep. 


Am I right?! 


My goal has always been to help Mamas THRIVE in motherhood. To support them on their postpartum mental health journey and to help them, and everyone in their family, get great sleep. 


It all starts with the sleep. Everything in life is so much easier when we are getting the sleep we need. 


So this brings me to my March 2023 “Mamas Supporting Mamas” campaign. 


In this post, I talk about how, during the month of March, we are focusing on supporting moms in big and little ways, lifting each other up, and why I’m giving away one of my most valuable resources to every single mom. 




What’s the deal with March and this campaign?! 



I’ve been a marriage and family therapist for 14 years, and have largely treated mental health challenges in motherhood. Through this work, it is very clear that inadequate sleep plays a big role in the challenges that families face. 


Chrissy and family |The Peaceful Sleeper


After having my own 4 daughters, I experienced first hand how important sleep was to my physical, emotional, and mental health. The crushing overwhelm of the postpartum period and pressure to do it “right” was, to say the least, too much. 

I also learned the hard way that most of the resources out there are contradictory, overwhelming and full of thinly veiled mom-shaming. 


So I set out to learn everything I could about baby sleep, and it is now my passion and goal to empower Mamas with the knowledge and confidence they need to get everyone great sleep, and to thrive in motherhood. 


March 2023 marks 10 years since I became a Mom, and to honor this, I want to dedicate this month to helping Mamas in the most affective and meaningful way I possibly can.  


I am planning to do my part to help as many Mamas as possible, and I am also hoping to inspire YOU to support other Mamas. 


When we support moms, we can change the world! 


How I hope I can help 



For the month of March 2023 I am giving away my Newborn Package for FREE. No strings attached. Not only that, but my goal is to give away 1 million dollars in resources! 


Free newborn package for moms |The Peaceful Sleeper

As I type this right now, we have hit over $800,000!! Can we make 1 million happen? With your help, most definitely! 


I have poured my heart and soul into this resource, and spent years perfecting it. It consists of a video course and guide pack. The video course is broken up into 29 segments about: 

  • Sleep tips by age
  • Preventing overtiredness 
  • Newborn sleep safety
  • Discerning newborn cues
  • Nap lengthening 
  • Extending nighttime sleep
  • Newborn FAQ
  • And more!!

You also get 6 guides about: 

  • Simple Newborn Sleep Tips 
  • Magical Calming Tricks 
  • Reflux and Tummy Troubles 
  • Sleep Regression Teething and Illness
  • Daycare
  • Pacifier Issues


I am confident it is the most comprehensive resource on the market and I KNOW it will help families get the sleep they need, and help Mamas gain the knowledge and confidence to meet their baby’s needs. 

I truly believe that everything in life is easier when you are getting the sleep you need. And postpartum moms are one of the most vulnerable populations for not getting enough sleep. 


The best way to help newborn Mamas get sleep, is to help them help their baby get better sleep. 


It is valued at over $100 and for March you can get it for free! My hope is that by making it free, I can help as many families as possible. 



Pass it on 



The other piece of our “Mamas Supporting Mamas” March campaign, is much bigger than just me and my newborn package. My hope is that by starting this initiative, I can inspire all of YOU to come together to support one another and even “pay it forward”. 

chrissy with newborn | The Peaceful Sleeper


So first of all, if you’ve got the course, and have found it helpful, I would LOVE IT if you could pass it on. Share this reel with anyone and everyone, so together we can help ALL the Mamas and families get better sleep!

Secondly, on my Instagram account, we are talking a lot about how to support Mamas in little and big ways.  Already I am blown away by all your ideas and ways you have already been reaching out, supporting and loving the Mamas in your life, and even the ones you don’t know. 


Simple acts of kindness, such as sending a meaningful message to a mom friend, offering to put a stranger’s cart away, or dropping off a treat to a new mom, can go a LONG way. We all just want to feel that we are seen and are doing a good job. Being a mom is often a thankless job but being supporting and not feeling alone makes a huge difference. 


There is so much pressure to do it “right” and so much internal and external shame and guilt for getting it “wrong”. We all deserve to parent in the way that feels best for OUR family, and the best use of our (limited) energy is to hold each other up, cheer each other on, and ask, “how can I help?” 




Recap on Mamas Supporting Mamas



If you are in the trenches of motherhood, please know that you are not alone. We have all been there, and there are so many there with you right now, even if it doesn’t seem like it. 


You are doing an amazing job, and you really are the very best Mama for your littles!


If you are looking for a community of support, love, and also practical and simple tips for getting better sleep and thriving in motherhood, come join me on Instagram


And if you are looking for free sleep tips that are specific to the age of your little one, sign up for my free sleep series! You get perfectly timed tips, straight to your inbox for free! 


Is there something else I can help with? Check out all of our support options and free resources here


You deserve to find joy and thrive in motherhood, and I’m deeply passionate about helping make that happen. 


Christine Lawler

Christine Lawler

MS, LMFT, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant

Hi! I’m so glad you’re here! I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, practicing for over 13 years. I’ve set out to do ALL of the research and I created a method to optimize baby sleep that is tuned in, empowering and WORKS. There absolutely should be joy in motherhood, and I have learned that every baby CAN get better sleep!

Read more about my team here.

Ready to Get Your Baby Sleeping?

Learn how to help your little one fall asleep independently, sleep through the night & nap consistently to regain your nights & be the best, happiest version of you.

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