When Can You Start Sleep Training/Sleep Learning?

One of the most common questions I get is, “When can you start sleep training?” If you have questions about sleep training/sleep learning and aren’t quite sure where to start, you’re in the right place! In this blog post, I’m going to talk about:


What is the difference between “sleep training” and “sleep learning”?


What are the benefits of sleep training/sleep learning?


Can I start sleep training/sleep learning with my newborn?


When can you start sleep training/sleep learning?


How do I know if my baby is ready for sleep training/sleep learning?


Let’s dive right in!



Baby on Tummy - When Can You Start Sleep Training Blog | The Peaceful Sleeper



What is the difference between “sleep training” and “sleep learning”?


“Sleep training” and “sleep learning” aren’t necessarily two different things. In fact, I like to use them interchangeably. It depends on what you mean when you use the term “sleep training”. The thing is, “sleep training” has so many negative connotations associated with it. As a result, it can lead to many parents feeling guilty if they even THINK about wanting to “sleep train” their little one. 


This is where I like to bring in the term “sleep learning”. I define sleep learning as “a method that only means ONE thing: Teaching your baby independent sleep skills in a way that works for both of you. It is not a “one size fits all” approach and it is not about ‘training’ your baby to comply or do something for the sake of making your life easier. Sleep learning is a holistic approach to teaching an extremely important skill while honoring both of your learning styles.” I have an entire other blog post where I go into more detail about “sleep training” vs. “sleep learning” – click here to check it out!


If you haven’t already, download my FREE Ultimate Naps Guide. It’ll give you all the knowledge you need to help your baby (or toddler) take great naps! Download for free here 💤



What are the benefits of sleep training/sleep learning?

The obvious answer is: SLEEP FOR EVERYONE! The better your little one(s) sleep, the better you will sleep. And the better you sleep, the better you’ll be able to show up for them!


But just in case you need a few more reasons:


1. Gain HOURS of your day back

And I mean HOURS. When your little one can initiate independent sleep on their own, you get so much time back.


2. Be able to plan your day ahead of time

The sleep learning journey involves creating a sleep schedule for your baby. Having a more predictable schedule for your day will make it easier to know when to schedule appointments, play dates, or other activities around naps.


3. Know that your baby is well-rested

When your baby is well-rested, it means they are getting the sleep they need for their physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development.



Benefits of Sleep Learning | The Peaceful Sleeper

Click here to check out more about these benefits of sleep learning on Instagram.



Can I start sleep training/sleep learning with my newborn?


No! During the newborn stage (0-4 months), newborns still rely on us to do the soothing for them. This looks like rocking, swaddling, shugging, etc. You can’t spoil a newborn, so don’t be afraid to pull out all the stops to help them get good sleep.


But don’t worry! There are still things you can do to optimize their sleep before formal sleep training/sleep learning. In the 0-4 Months Content Library, you’ll learn how to decipher your newborn’s cues to meet their needs – how to keep them happy and sleeping well! Click here to grab it.



Baby Feet in Swaddle - When Can You Start Sleep Training Blog | The Peaceful Sleeper



When can you start sleep training/sleep learning?


You can start sleep training/sleep learning when your baby is at least 4 months old. Around the 4 month mark, babies are more capable of learning to self-soothe, connect their sleep cycles, and have deeper, more restorative sleep – this makes it a great time to start the sleep training/sleep learning process.


The 4-24 Months Content Library walks you through the entire process of teaching your baby independent sleep skills. The Peaceful Sleeper Method encompasses many different strategies such as preventing overtiredness, optimizing schedules, finding wake window sweet spots, optimizing the sleep environment, being cognisant of meeting sensory needs, and tuning into exactly what your baby needs. Our goal is always to provide you with an approach that is a good fit for your family!


If you haven’t already, download my FREE newborn sleep guide. It’ll give you a good rundown on establishing good sleep for your newborn that you can print and keep with you! Download for free here 💤


We have four different sleep learning/sleep training approaches (Accelerated, Modified Accelerated, Modified Gradual, and Gradual) – each of which can be tailored to fit YOUR baby’s sleep needs. There is no one size fits all!

Check out another blog post that’ll walk you through how to choose the best sleep learning/training approach for you and your baby!



What Are The Different Sleep Learning Approaches? | The Peaceful Sleeper

Click here to learn more about each of the approaches on Instagram.



How do I know if my baby is ready for sleep training/sleep learning?


At 4 months old, some parents wonder if their baby is actually ready. Here are a few indicators to look for!


  • Your baby shows signs of being able to self-soothe
  • Your baby has suddenly started taking short naps
  • Your baby is suddenly waking more frequently in the night (*Remember, how long your baby can sleep at night without a feeding is irrelevant, as sleep training/sleep learning does not mean you HAVE to drop any feeds if you and/or your baby are not ready yet.)


If you haven’t already, download my FREE Ultimate Naps Guide. It’ll give you all the knowledge you need to help your baby (or toddler) take great naps! Download for free here 💤


If you still aren’t sure whether or not your baby is ready to start their sleep training/sleep learning journey, the best thing you can do is talk to a sleep expert! We have different support options, ranging from a quick phone consultation to full, white-glove in-home service. Click here to book a consultation today!



How Do You Know When It's Time to Start Sleep Learning? | The Peaceful Sleeper

Click here to watch “How Do You Know When It’s Time to Start Sleep Learning” on Instagram.




Recap on When You Can Start Sleep Training/Sleep Learning


The best time to start your and your baby’s sleep learning/sleep training journey is after at least 4 months and when you and your baby are ready for it! The goal here is for everyone to get the good sleep they need, no matter how you get it! What I mean by this is that (as much as I wish there was) there is no magical one-size-fits all solution. Your baby’s needs are unique, and their support and approach to independent sleep should be too!


Remember that we are here to help you, no matter what your baby’s sleep situation is. I have a team of AMAZING certified pediatric sleep consultants all around the country who can be in your corner supporting you through your unique sleep situation. Click here to grab a consultation with one of them!


Whether your little one is a newborn (0-4 Months Content Library), 4-24 months (4-24 Months Content Library), or a toddler (2-5 Years Content Library), we have the resources you need to get your family the sleep you all deserve!

Christine Lawler

Christine Lawler

MS, LMFT, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant

Hi! I’m so glad you’re here! I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, practicing for over 13 years. I’ve set out to do ALL of the research and I created a method to optimize baby sleep that is tuned in, empowering and WORKS. There absolutely should be joy in motherhood, and I have learned that every baby CAN get better sleep!

Read more about my team here.

Ready to Get Your Baby Sleeping?

Learn how to help your little one fall asleep independently, sleep through the night & nap consistently to regain your nights & be the best, happiest version of you.

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