Let me guess…you’re here because your baby’s sleep has randomly gone to sh*t and you’re left playing detective? It is just a sleep regression? Or is something else at play?
In this blog post, I’m going to talk about:
Is my baby in the middle of a sleep regression?
What if it ISN’T a sleep regression?
How do I get sleep back on track?
Let’s dive right in!
Is my baby in the middle of a sleep regression?
Let’s get one thing straight…sleep regressions can happen at any time. Things happen…it might be that they’re working on a new skill, or maybe they’re just being fussy. And that’s ok! The best thing you can do in these situations is to stay calm and keep moving forward.
That being said, one way to determine if your baby’s sleep (or lack thereof) situation is due to a sleep regression is to take a look at the timing. There are LOTS of common ages for regressions. If the timing doesn’t seem to match up, it might be time to make tweaks to your baby’s schedule or time to drop a nap.
Here is a list of the most common ages for sleep regressions along with links to entire blog posts dedicated to the specific regression:
- 6-8 week sleep regression
- 3 month sleep regression
- 4 month sleep regression
- 6 month sleep regression
- 8 month sleep regression
- 10 month sleep regression
- 12 month sleep regression
- 15 month sleep regression
- 18 month sleep regression
- 24 month sleep regression
There are two important keys to surviving sleep regressions:
1. Prevent Overtiredness
Pay attention to your baby’s wake windows and watch closely for your baby’s sleepy cues to keep your baby from getting wired and tired.
2. Stay Consistent
Like most things, consistency is half the battle. Keep offering time and space for your little one’s sleep and things WILL get better!
The good news is, that most sleep regressions can resolve on their own within 2 weeks! Just be patient, and try not to stress. For more detailed information on how to survive sleep regressions and get your baby’s sleep back, click here to check out this other blog post!
What if it ISN’T a sleep regression?
There are two other potential reasons I want to go over as to why your baby’s sleep has suddenly gone down the drain.
1. Teething
Teething is often blamed for fussiness and sleep issues but it’s always the culprit. If your baby has red, building gums that are tender to the touch, a new tooth could be causing disrupted sleep.
Teeth typically start showing up anywhere from 6-9 months. If your baby can already initiate sleep on their own and has a solid sleep schedule, teething won’t throw off their schedule too much.
Here are a few points to keep in mind for when teething feels helpless:
- Teeth usually come in 2 or 4 at a time and disrupt sleep for 2-14 days
- You can protect your baby’s good sleep skills and habits by giving them what they NEED. Sometimes that will be soothing and sometimes that will be getting sleep.
- When your baby is awake, offer them soothing tools such as a teether, a frozen bagel to chew on, or a frozen banana in a mesh teether.
Click here to check out this post about teething on Instagram.
2. Illness
Whenever sleep is suddenly disturbed, check for signs of illness! If your baby has a fever, is coughing, or seems lethargic, it’s common for sleep to get thrown off a little. Hang in there until they are feeling better and then work on getting things back on track.
Here are 6 tips for helping a sick baby feel better:
- Bring them into a steamy bathroom
You don’t even need to get them in the water! The steam alone can help with congestion.
- Use a baby safe chest rub
Put it on their chest and feet to help with congestion.
- Give Tylenol if needed
Follow the dosage and instructions on the bottle but when in doubt, double-check with your pediatrician. Especially if your baby is younger than 6 months old!
- Use a humidifier
Pro tip: turn on the humidifier BEFORE naps and bedtime when your little one isn’t in the room. Get it nice and humid before sleep time and then turn it off.
*I learned the hard way that humidifiers can be a fire hazard, so please be aware!
- Let naps go a little longer than usual
Consider capping naps around 3 hours.
- Soak up all the snuggles
It’s so tough seeing your baby sick! Know that you can get sleep back on track when everyone is feeling better.
Click here to learn more about helping a sick baby feel better on Instagram.
How do I get sleep back on track?
While there are different ways to help your baby get better sleep while teething, sick, or even during each individual sleep regression, the most important thing is to stay consistent. If it’s been a few weeks and things aren’t back to normal, it could be time to re-evaluate their schedule.
Your little one’s sleep needs are unique…your support should be too! I have a team of AMAZING certified pediatric sleep consultants who are ready to help! Imagine having a collaborative sleep expert in your corner diving into the nuances of YOUR baby’s sleep and helping you figure out what is best for them, you, and your entire family. It makes a whole of a difference!
Click here to check out our different support packages/consultation options. Our support ranges from phone calls to help with troubleshooting general sleep issues and getting expert answers to full in-home support and concierge service!
Recap on Knowing Whether or Not It’s a Sleep Regression
Trust me, I know just how frustrating it can be when your baby’s sleep (and yours for that matter) go to crap. Whether it’s due to a sleep regression, teething, or illness, I promise that sleep can and will get better!
If your baby’s sudden sucky sleep is because you’re stuck in the trenches of a sleep regression, know that I have an entire Sleep Regression troubleshooting guide (that goes over what to do during each and every one of the common sleep regressions!) in my 4-24 Months Content Library and 2-5 Years Content Library.
Whether your little one is a newborn (0-4 Months Content Library), 4-24 months (4-24 Months Content Library), or a toddler (2-5 Years Content Library), we have the resources you need to get your family the sleep you all deserve!
Click here to watch a reel of me talking about this blog topic on Instagram.